
Glo latest Free Browsing Cheat, Tricks For 2019

Glo Ng free browsing hacks is one of the unpopular in the Nigerian telecom cloud.


Glo Nigeria has one of the cheapest data bundles, so why need to tap under the carpet? 

Glo Nigeria, unfortunately, has one of the worst network services within the country's border - Of what need is acquiring data without a favorable network to browse.

Their telecom masts aren't spread like longstanding telcoms - MTN, Airtel.

Despite the lack of appetite for Glo free browsing, there are much needed especially when there's a hot new cheat available! It's isn't news that Nigerians pay more than they earn for internet data. This isn't unrelated to the harsh economic situations experienced within the country and that's one enough reason to opt for free browsing techniques.

It's shouldn't be considered a new happening to see a Nigerian with all four of the main telecom sim cards. Tales have revealed what these multi-SIM possessions actually effect.

Many youths possess diverse sim cards to avoid missing out on any cheat available on any of the networks. This way, they tap in concurrently to circumvent normal data subscriptions. 

I have to say that this norm is contagious, am an active partaker of these cagey ways. 

Before getting into the recent way to bypass Glo's restriction and browse for free, there's a real need to be in a comfortable place for Glo network reception.

You might not understand my warnings if all places you reside have glo masts nearby. For those who are restricted to a particular spot in the house, of which no other spot gets Glo reception - it's certainly a piece of advice for you. 

The reason is stressing this is that most of the free browsing cheats these days are through VPN apps which require good network connectivity. 

It might be inconsequential trying to activate a browsing bypass with a failed network. 

I need to sound advice that peradventure you arrived on this thread when the bypass might have stopped upon your discovery, be patient as others would be made available.

Glo Free Browsing Cheat Using AnonyTun VPN 

Get your free browsing started with this VPN app. 

  • The requirements for free browsing using this VPN include:

    • A Glo sim with 0.00 balance and no data (An old sim card is preferable - no 4G sim!) 
    • A good working network coverage.
    • An Android phone 
    • AnonyTun VPN app - download

    APN Settings For The Cheat 

    This is keyed into the phone browsing/configuration settings. 

    APN: 9mobile 
    APN Type: Default,Supl 
    Proxy: Blank 
    Port: Blank 
    Username: Blank 
    Password: Blank

Procedures of setup

• After Downloading the VPN, launch the application. By this time you should have finished with the settings above. 

• Click on Stealth Settings. Insert the following: 

Connection Protocol: HTTP 
Connection Port: 80 or 8080 or 8081 

• Click on EDIT CUSTOM TCP/HTTP HEADERS. and put the following there 

URL/HOST: www. 


• Click on Save



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